Cruising under the New Normal

The future of Cruising is changing.   If you love to cruise and you want a little handholding during this unusual time, The Cruise Ladies, LLC is the perfect partner for you.  Our focus is on helping to make Cruising a safe and stress-free experience for anyone wishing to travel in small groups.  

It is important to ensure your health safety. Check out our past blog posts to find information regarding sanitizing your cabin.   While the cruise industry is preparing for the new normal, we want to also ensure we adapt as well.

We want you to get know your fellow passengers prior to stepping foot on the boat through organized Zoom meetings.   Once we start cruising, all guests cruising with our small groups will be required to present a Covid 19 negative test result in a time frame according to current CDC recommendations.  In the event a vaccine is available, proof of vaccine could circumvent the need for a Covid 19 test.   Of course, this policy may change as more information becomes available.  The Cruise Ladies, LLC will only cruise on lines that practice safe social distancing and sanitary policies consistent with Covid 19 guidelines.

More to come on upcoming Zoom Meetings.  Please respond if you would like to participate in group Zoom Meetings to get to know the Cruise Ladies and other fellow travelers.

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